Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Chapter 1-2 of The Giver

Chapter 1 of The Giver starts out with the main character Jonas trying to think of a word for the emotion he's feeling. While he is thinking about it a jet flies over his town. First interested an announcer comes on and orders everybody to go in the nearest building. Jonas does and leaves his bike. Soon after the jet leaves the announcer comes on and says the pilot will be released. When he started thinking of what release was he thought of it as the most horrible punishment. As he rode the rest of the way home he continually thought about a word for the feeling he felt. He chose apprehensive. When he got home his parents and sister were already home. They engaged in there daily ritual of telling each other the emotions. When it was Jonas's turn he told his family he was apprehensive because he would soon become a year older. That is when he would go to the Ceremony of Twelve. When he told his parents they asked Jonas's sister to leave so Jonas and his parents could

Chapter 2 starts out with them talking about other ceremonies when people turn different ages. And also how his father became a person who took care of babies, he was also called a Nurturer. How Jonas would lose some friends and gain new ones. How you'll recieve your job when you turn tweleve and how there is know way to know what your job will be. the chapter ended with Jonas still worrying about what his job will be.

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