Thursday, December 21, 2006

Chapter 5 of Gathering Blue

In chapter 5 they say what will happen to Kira and Vandara. Kira will be allowed to live but she will work for the Council of Elders, by fixing the Singer of Ruins robe each year. Making it perfect. For Vandara she will get Kira's land. Kira from now on will stay at the large building where she will have a few people to help her whenever she wants. Kira is happy just to keep her life even though she is disappointed she will not get to keep her land. Vandara on the other hand is very angry.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chapter 5 of the Giver

This Chapter started out with Jonas and his family discussing there dreams. When it was Jonas's turn he told his family of the dream he had was about how he was trying to get Fiona to take her clothes off. When he was done sharing the dream with his family he was getting ready to leave for school, but his mother stopped him. She told him it was his first stirrings. He didn't understand. It was a feeling somebody had for somebody else. He now had to take pills for them so this would never happen again. As he was riding to school he remebered the dream. Trying to feel the pleasure he had while dreaming, but it was gone.

Comparing The Giver to Gathering Blue

The Giver is different from Gathering Blue in many ways. Like the main characters. The main character in the giver is a boy named Jonas. The main character in Gathering Blue is A girl named Kira. They both have special ''abilities'' but they are both different. Jonas has the power to see colors that know one in else except the giver can see. Kira has the special ability to sew very quickly and create incredible art. The societies they live in are different since they have different rules and different customs. Like in The Giver, everybody in the village must share there feelings everyday. In Gathering Blue they do not do this. Though they do have rules life if your born defected you are going to be thrown into a place called the Field of the Beasts to be killed. My opinion about the books is that they are both equal. Since they both have action in them and the main place in the stories are both in villages that are supposedly perfect. Both of these books are good and can both be checked out at the public library.

About Lois Lowry

Lois Lowry was born as the middle child of a three kid family. Her older sister was named Helen and her younger brother was Jon. She was born and Hawaii. Since her father was in the military she traveled all over the world. She married while in college and had four children. She soon started writing professionally. After she got divorced, she wrote her first book about the death of her sister. The book was called A Summer to Die. A while after the death of her sister her son died. Now she is a grandmother. She still writes and enjoys writing fantasy. In her books the meaning is that we must have interdependence not only with each other but with the world and its enviornment.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Chapter 4 of the Giver

Chapter 4 starts of with Jonas riding his bike. He stops at the House of Old to find his friends Asher and a girl named Fiona bikes outside the building. He went in. His friends were washing old people so he joined them. As he was washing an old woman they started talking about release and people who had been released. At the end they were talking about how children couldn't come to release ceremonies. Jonas jokingly said how they might make the release room bigger so the kids could come. They laughed.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Chapter 3 of the Giver

Chapter 3 starts out with Jonas and his family looking at a newborn child named Gabriel. His father had been worried about Gabriel for a while because it hasn't been sleeping well and if it doesn't start sleeping well by a certain age it is released. Jonas's sister Lily notices that Gabriel has very light eyes just like Jonas. Most people in the village have dark eyes but a few people have light eyes like them.When his sister mentioned she wanted to be a Nurturer Jonas thought of a memory of when him and his friend Asher were playing catch with an apple. While they were playing catch the apple had changed to Jonas. Not in size or shape but in a way Jonas couldn't understand. When he held it the apple was back to normal. The same color as his tunic. When he asked Asher he said it jumps out of his hands when he dropped it again. This meant he didn't see what Jonas saw. So he laughed uneasily. When he took it back to his house he studied it. There was nothing strange about it. After an announcement had come on saying Know one is allowed to take food from the place he had taken it from he saw his parents look at him. When he snapped out of his daydream about his memory. he tried to forget it looking at Gabriel he realized Gabriel was different from everyone else. Like Jonas.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Chapter 1-2 of The Giver

Chapter 1 of The Giver starts out with the main character Jonas trying to think of a word for the emotion he's feeling. While he is thinking about it a jet flies over his town. First interested an announcer comes on and orders everybody to go in the nearest building. Jonas does and leaves his bike. Soon after the jet leaves the announcer comes on and says the pilot will be released. When he started thinking of what release was he thought of it as the most horrible punishment. As he rode the rest of the way home he continually thought about a word for the feeling he felt. He chose apprehensive. When he got home his parents and sister were already home. They engaged in there daily ritual of telling each other the emotions. When it was Jonas's turn he told his family he was apprehensive because he would soon become a year older. That is when he would go to the Ceremony of Twelve. When he told his parents they asked Jonas's sister to leave so Jonas and his parents could

Chapter 2 starts out with them talking about other ceremonies when people turn different ages. And also how his father became a person who took care of babies, he was also called a Nurturer. How Jonas would lose some friends and gain new ones. How you'll recieve your job when you turn tweleve and how there is know way to know what your job will be. the chapter ended with Jonas still worrying about what his job will be.

Chapter 4 of Gathering Blue

When she chose the guardian one of the council of guardian members said the name of the guardian who was going to represent her. Jaminson his name was his name. They soon began again. The guardian started out saying the exact things Vandara said. How she ate a lot, how she takes up to much space, how she'll never get a husband, and how she was useless. The Guardian countered each of these claims. Finally it was over it was lunchtime. They brought Kira and the others food and they started eating she knew she would hear the decision the Council made once she was done.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chapter 3 of Gathering Blue

A messenger came and told Kira she must report to the Council of Guardians at late morning. Soon after she left to meet them obediently. On the way there she started thinking of the past of her people. Also known as the ruin. She thought of how terrible it was and how person known as the Singer. She also remembered advice her mother gave her '' take pride in your pain her mother said''. Soon though she arrived at the building where the Council of Guardians. When someone let her in she realized they had already started. When she walked over a man who was in the Council of Guardians said the reason why Kira and Vandara were there. To find out who would get Kira's land and if she would die or not. When Vandara started saying her side of the case and how Kira shouldn't even be alive now the Council seemed to listen closely but didn't seemed very moved by her side of the argument. One of the Guardians raised his hand and said enough to make Vandara stop talking. She was mad but bowed and sat down. Since Kira had only two syllables in her name ( people with a lot of syllables had much power and people with very little syllables had little power) she would normally not be allowed to defend herself. Though since she was so young she could either defend herself or let a guardian defend her. She chose the guardian.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Chapter 1-2 of Gathering Blue

In chapter 1 the main character Kira is introduced. The chapter starts off when Kira is trying to talk to her dead mothers spirit. There is no reply. According to Kira, the spirit of a dead adult stays in the the world of the living for 4 days then drifts away. It's the fourth day. Now The spirit is completely gone. She now knows shes alone. Since Kira was born with a twisted leg she was imperfect in the eyes of her fellow villagers. She would have been thrown in the field of the beasts if it was not for her brave mother who risked her life to save her. Now with her mother gone she new the other villagers would be coming after her. Since her mother died of sickness the villagers burned her cott so the sickness would not spread. Now all she could do was walk thorough the village. While she was walking she came across her only friend Matt. They started talking about Kira's late mother. While they were talking Matt told Kira some very sad things. Matt told her that mothers who hated Kira for being imperfect were going to try to take her land and kill her. Kira was speechless.

In chapter 2 Kira decided that she should pretend she didn't know what they were planning to do. She decided she should head back to her land and start picking crops. She thought that maybe the sight of her working would change the minds of the mothers, so she could keep her land and her life. When she got back to her land she saw a woman stealing her only source of food. When she said stop the woman only laughed at her and walked away. With the little food Kira had she ate. Soon though she was confronted by a small group of angry woman. All of them were lead by a strong woman named Vandara. She was tall and had a scar that she got when she fought a beast. When they were very close to her Kira and Vandara argued over who the land belonged to. One women shouted that they needed it for a pen to put there animals and children into. When Kira told her to build it on another piece of land Vandara picked up a rock. Soon the other women did the same. Kira started worrying. Though through this she calmly said a rule of the village. If there is a conflict that could bring death then they must go to the Council of Guardians and talk it out. Though if a conflict is not brought to the Council of Guardians and there is a death. Then the causer of death must die. They all soon tossed there rocks to the ground. Now with know other options left Vandara could only do one thing, take her case to the Council of Guardians so they could make the decision of who gets the land and if Kira died or not. The women soon left. Kira thought of what she would need to do to rebuild her cott just in case the Council let her stay. She started to weave. Suddenly she burst with creativity and realized that for a few seconds her talent had gone far above her mothers teaching. When she was done she had created incredible things. She did not know what happened but she felt what she had just felt while weaving still there. Her hands trembled slightly. If only she was allowed to stay she said. Wondering how she weaved so wonderfully and what would happen to her soon.


Hi this is my first blog on this site. I'm Garrison and I'm doing this as apart of a Wissahickon Middle School challenge project. This is about how The Giver compares to Gathering Blue. They are both books written by an author named Lois Lowry. I've enjoyed reading these books because there both so different from every other book. They are original and always keep you guessing for what will happen next.